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Mainstream journo talks Plan B for tackling climate change

Morrison’s fake “evolve” can be challenged

In today’s Guardian (Australian Edition), Lenore Taylor presents another strong summary of where we the majority sit with the role of government in slowing and reversing climate change. Again she is clear and coherent.

On this occasion she assumes what most of us who are paying attention already know … that Morrison’s blather about how is government’s policies may “evolve” is more about diversion, conning and alibi building for continuing to do know where near what is necessary and possible. (I am not convinced that this has reached the majority, although for real change to occur a majority is not always necessary.)

Therefore Ms Taylor speculates, too briefly, on a plan B. In brief, her Plan B amounts to state government collaboration in spite of the Commonwealth, and billionaire initiatives.

Obviously, this where she is disappointing and may just have been looking at the wrong responses.

The potential of worker and community organizations, existing and new

Just a couple of months ago a group of union leaders, meeting on the South Coast, talked about a plan B that would be driven by workers and their organisations, including but not just unions. They were riffing off the push from unions in a number of countries for, and implementation of, a “just transition”. “Just Transition” was tragically absent for worker’s in central Queensland at the time of the May elections, and also since. Regional mainstream media gave this about one day of coverage.

I commented on this at the time and elaborated on some ideas, drawn from a range of sources, actions and discussions, and called that Plan B triple A plus.

Workers and their communities can govern and implement recovery and just transition

The role of workers and their communities in stitching together bushfire recovery, urgent and future adaptation to extreme heat and bushfires, and rapid regional industry job creation and nature’s restoration where renewables replace fossil dependency, is lost in mainstream media. We should be surprised and there is little point in whinging about it.

However, communities and workplaces are not just courageous and resilient. Also, they are loaded with mutuality, knowledge, skills and determination to – a potential capacity – take charge of recovery and justice transition. Thus,”Just Transition” becomes “Democratic Just Transition”, that can also meet the immediacy if recovery.

Further, paying respect to this untapped workers and community intelligence will do wonders for the severe mental health problems that will surely flow in bushfire destroyed communities.

The role of government here is to facilitate and fund such initiatives, not dominate them. Government is the enabler.

The role of unions is to work out what that means for their employed organizers and their delegates in the workplaces. And then to develop plans of intervention and attack that give strength to the communities in which their members live.

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