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“The Greeks are NOT lazy.” Fighting Austerity for REAL is complex

THere is a lot more to fighting against Austerity than slogans, demands and even a humanistic programme for the people. This is one important lesson from SYRIZA’s negotiations with the representatives of European finance capital. In this case, it means complex negotiations. Solidarity with the Greek people and with SYRIZA must also include an unrelenting determination to fight the propaganda that financial capital and their aides in governments like that of Germany and France promote to justify austerity against the majority. Michael Roberts’ – in this article – refutes the German promoted myth that the Greeks are lazy, and therefore deserve austerity. He povides basic information to back up these statements: “Greeks work more hours in a year than any other country in Europe – and more than even the Americans or Brits! And surprisingly, it is the Germans who are the ‘laziest’, if measured by hours worked.” And … “Although Greek economy-wide productivity started from a low base when the country joined the Eurozone in 1999, growth in labour productivity since then has been faster than the strong capitalist economies of Germany or France, up 25% compared to just 10% in Germany.” … and a few other choice facts that make solidarity with the Greek people and SYRIZA essential.

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